Monday 11 November 2019

Preloved Pop Up Party - Dorset

My very first 'preloved pop up' party was, I am happy to report, a resounding success. I was terribly nervous, worried even. Supposing no-one turned up? Supposing it was a complete flop? Confident, dare I say it? that my taste combined with the stock I had lovingly put together would have a wide appeal I clung onto the mantra 'nothing ventured, nothing gained'

I was lucky enough to have the most fabulous location for the occasion. The Old Pottery on the Symondsbury Estate in Dorset was ideal. The estate has such a variety of things to do to keep all ages happy that its not difficult to lure people along, especially on a sunny Sunday. There are other retail outlets on the estate too and their cafe serves sublime food. Combined with free parking and everything being easily accessible I need not have fretted. The sun shone and everyone was delightfully complimentary. I can even admit to having fun.

Now that I've had a chance to catch my breath and restock I'm thrilled to announce the next 
'Preloved Pop Up'
November 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th
The Old Pottery

So if you're on the hunt for that elusive party dress for the festive season, yearning for a new winter coat, coveting some gorgeous cashmere or hanker after some costume jewellery you know where to come.

However, there's one outfit that once possessed you can wear all year round!

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