Tuesday 11 February 2020

Bridport Fashion Revolution

Apparently Bridport is having a 'FASHION REVOLUTION' which is all very exciting for me being in the business of PRELOVED/ NEW TO YOU/ UPCYCLED,/RECYCLED/ SECOND HAND CLOTHES.

It can't have escaped your attention that the issues of climate change and the preservation of our beautiful planet is of the most urgent and upmost importance. To my mind there's an awful lot of unnecessary waffling combined with inertia as a minority of people try to ignore the problem but each and every one of us can play a small part in helping reduce the waste. Its all very well banging a drum on a climate march and carefully recycling your empty bottles but do you consider your carbon footprint as you hop on and off a plane, step aboard your cruise ship? Do you stop to think where your clothes are produced? who made your fashion garment, and under what sort of conditions?

Bridports Fashion Revolution, coinciding with the start of London Fashion Week, is to rethink our choice, use and disposal of what we wear. The aim is to unite people and organisations to work together towards radically changing the way our clothes are sourced, produced and consumed.

I'm constantly amazed at how many gorgeous 'new to you' items keep turning up at South Street Sallys headquarters. Unloved, forgotten, forlorn, my aim is to get them back out there feeling the love again. At a local drinks party the other night I was busy extolling the virtues of recycling clothing but to my amazement there were a few doubtful faces and even, the wrinkling of noses!! Filled with zeal I endeavoured to pull in a few new converts. I wouldn't suggest for a moment that you stop buying new, not only would this be impractical, and anyway its a personal choice what you choose to wear, but at least stop to consider the impact fast fashion has on our environment. I wont bore you with figures because you should be aware of the damage by now. One of the ladies informed me she had bought her garment from a major fashion chain, 'half price' she proudly told me. 'What does that tell you'? I said. The irony was lost on her. (It was a drinks party...)

Interestingly enough though it was from a certain age group which I won't disclose, (Discretion is key) because I'm sure you can guess. A mindset perhaps about what they consider second hand represents which maybe is linked to inferior. (Not the case) Is it to do with the 'make do and mend' era they were raised in and now they reject it because it makes them feel better?

So really as with everything its a case of educating people and pointing out the choices that are available to them. Easy enough you would think. I may be a small cog in a very large wheel but in my own tiny way I am making a difference. If everyone did the same imagine what we could achieve!

South Street Sallys Valentines Preloved Pop Up runs from February 14th - February 16th at Symondsbury Estate Dorset.
Valentine Preloved Pop Up

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Bridport Fashion Revolution

Apparently Bridport is having a 'FASHION REVOLUTION' which is all very exciting for me being in the business of PRELOVED/ NEW TO Y...