Monday 28 October 2019

The winter coat

I love opening a bag of clothes containing items of clothing that I find irresistible. The thrill of sitting and sorting through them in my lovely work space makes my Monday mornings anything but dull. As the saying goes 'Love what you do, do what you love'

For some people their weakness is shoes, for others handbags but mine is definitely, without doubt coats. When a sumptuous lightweight Hobbs wool coat is presented to me I just have to try it on. Like the Joseph goose and feather down black padded jacket, the Hoggs of Fife tweed jacket, the Aquascutum classic double breasted rainmac, the vibrant red cape from Ramosport Paris. And that's just the selection currently in front of me in my workroom. I have a storage room obviously...

In my own personal wardrobe I am currently debating whether I need two black coats. It's a toss up between the black AgnesB. with the faux fur collar or a very long Jacques Vert complete with stunning gold lining. Should I consider selling my Rocha of Mayfair coat? Absolutely not, it was vintage when I was given it and that was some thirty odd years ago. The extremely mischievous friend that bestowed such a stunning beauty upon me rather wickedly told me she had 'worn it to Cliveden, to one of Lady Astor's parties' she informed me. 'Obviously in the days before country estates were turned into vulgar hotels' she added for good measure. A coat with provenance then. If only I had paid more attention to her stories...

The Savoy Taylors Guild Peruvian Alpaca wool herringbone coat has had so many close brushes with being dismissed but it continues to hold a place in my heart. Those lapels must surely come back into fashion one day? The White Company navy blue double breasted pea coat, the battered Barbour, the terribly smart tailored tweed coat with the velvet collar, all will fulfil a particular occasion. The most hateful Kermit green anorak for hiking in the unpredictable English weather hangs forlornly on the back door. I need them all.

I can't understand anyone who only has one winter coat, how on earth do they manage? For good measure I count the number of coats I have in stock. Absurd. How on earth did I accumulate all those? I'm just sitting pondering this very complex question when 'the man of the house' strides in. He takes a quick look of approval at a classic tweed men's jacket artfully hung over a mustard wool waistcoat with gold lining. A Tootal scarf finishes off the ensemble rather fetchingly I think.

He scoops them up with undisguised glee and starts trying them on. 'You've got enough winter coats' I say rather tartly. He pauses and looks at me as though I'm mad and out comes this disbelieving snort of laughter.

'That's rather rich coming from you' he says.

I privately think it is but I don't admit to it.

Thursday 24 October 2019

Stand up South Street Sally

I am finally ready to succumb to Autumn. I cling onto the last vestiges of summer like the leaves on the trees fighting with the blustery weather, but in the end out comes the Autumn/winter wardrobe.

I ease myself into the new season gently. Tweed jackets, lightweight scarves, ankle boots, delicate cashmere jumpers, comfortable jeans, woollen dresses are my basics. Layers are key because occasionally a burst of sun will give a brief glimpse of what we are leaving behind.

At home I am surrounded by clothes. Rail upon rail of sustainable fashion. I am obsessed by recycling clothes and appalled by what ends up in landfill, so much wastage and so much of it unnecessary. If we all made a conscious effort to combine pre-loved with new it would make such a difference.

As the house started bulging with my obsession it was time to focus on South Street Sally which had started up outside my house on a Saturday morning.  Bridport has a twice weekly market (Saturday & Wednesday mornings) so it seemed an ideal opportunity to sell some of my surplus stock.

I started out with a mixture of items, mostly bric a brac but the clothes side just seemed to grow and grow and was proving very popular as people got to know me and my style. I don't do vintage clothing, leaving that to others who are more knowledgeable than I am in that area.

I suppose I could be called 'classic with a quirky twist'. Nothing will go onto the stall unless it is of the highest quality and I personally love it. Its a terrific way to get to meet people in the community and satisfies my 'recycling ethic'. I also have an endless supply of 'new to me outfits'...Perks of the job!

Focusing on clothes everyday makes me de-clutter my own wardrobe on a regular basis. However we all have weaknesses and mine have to be cashmere pullovers and coats. I couldn't possibly admit to how many I possess but I'm not to be found in the same one very often. My rule is simple, two in, one out so lots end up on the stall!

Todays outfit is:
Polo neck pullover/poncho in dark bottle green by Cos (from South Street Sally)
Joseph silk and stretch cotton shirt (from South Street Sally)
Angelika magic stretch jeans from Anna Montana (from Douglas Read, South Street)
Clarks riding boots (Clarks)
I alternated today as the weather changed outside between my Barbour coat and a hugely fun Per Una faux fur jacket in an up to date leopard print (both from South Street Sally)

Do please come and visit, either on my stall on South Street (weather permitting) or peruse the latest news via my facebook page 

Vow to make the change today, combine pre-loved with new. Recycling is smart.

Bridport Fashion Revolution

Apparently Bridport is having a 'FASHION REVOLUTION' which is all very exciting for me being in the business of PRELOVED/ NEW TO Y...